
At Nedlands Physiotherapy, we are dedicated to helping you move better, feel stronger, and live pain-free. Our comprehensive range of physiotherapy services is tailored to meet your unique needs, whether you're recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, or looking to enhance your performance in daily life or sport. From specialised techniques like acupuncture, dry needling, and fascial manipulation to functional rehabilitation programs and musculoskeletal assessments, our expert team is here to support you every step of the way. We also offer posture analysis, sport-specific physiotherapy, taping and bracing, as well as ergonomics and workplace assessments, ensuring a holistic approach to your health and wellbeing. Let us help you achieve your goals with personalised care and evidence-based practices.
  • Acupuncture / Dry Needling / IMS

  • Functional Rehabilitation Programs

  • Manual Therapy / Sarah Key Method

  • Musculoskeletal Assessments Posture Analysis

  • Taping and Bracing

  • Ergonomics / Workplace Assessments

    Acupuncture / Dry Needling / IMS

    Acupuncture is an old traditional therapeutic method used to encourage our body’s natural healing process, alleviate or reduce pain and promote a return to normal function or movement. Fine needles are inserted into the skin at specific points in the body along the meridian lines, which are called acupuncture points. The treatment is comfortable and it is common to feel very little during the treatment session. If any sensation is felt it is often a feeling of heaviness or aching which, reflects that the needles are in beneficial points.

    Anatomical Acupuncture refers to the more modern approach of acupuncture, which when combined with anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology effectively treats acute and chronic pain conditions. Often acupuncture is used in conjunction with other treatment techniques to assist with the body’s natural healing mechanisms, however; acupuncture can also be used solely to treat a particular condition. For more longstanding chronic conditions one to two treatments a week may be recommended and become less frequent as symptoms improve. Acupuncture has been suggested to have cumulative effects so with each treatment the effectiveness increases. Through a thorough assessment and established diagnosis our practitioners will determine whether acupuncture is an appropriate treatment strategy for your individual case.

    Michelle completed her acupuncture training in Canada and has been using acupuncture to successfully treat clients suffering from a variety of musculoskeletal disorders for the last 10 years.

    For more information visit

    or call us: (08) 6389 0990

    Functional Rehabilitation Programs

    Functional rehabilitation programs aim to improve mobility and movement patterns to ensure that injured athletes or workers return to pre injury levels of activity and reduce the incidence of re injury. More specifically, functional rehabilitation programs include strength, flexibility, agility training as well as training coordination and proprioception. Functional exercises focus on the whole body and link the upper body with the lower body, the right side with the left side and emphasise the significance of trunk control and pelvic and shoulder girdle stability. Programs also focus on sport specific and work specific movement patterns and drills to ensure a optimal movement performance. Functional rehabilitation programs can be performed at home or in a gym setting and are monitored and progressed by your physiotherapist.

    or call us: (08) 6389 0990

    Manual Therapy / Sarah Key Method

    The practitioners at Nedlands Physiotherapy use treatment techniques that have a strong emphasis on manual therapy. Manual therapy is referred to as any technique that involves the therapist’s hands to help restore mobility to a particular joint, muscle or nerve in the body. Specifically, manual techniques can either assist to relax or activate a muscle or group of muscles, which thereby helps to restore efficient movement patterns.

    The Sarah Key Method© is a form of manual therapy which involves specific spinal mobilisations using the heel. Her treatment method is based around the 5 stages of spinal breakdown and the importance of empowering her clients to understand spinal breakdown and self-management exercises to help maintain a healthy, mobile spine. She is world renowned for fixing problem backs and has specialised in treating spinal pain since 1974. She is the author of 5 books on back pain and other skeletal problems.

    Michelle has completed The Sarah Key Masterclass Level 1 and has used her methods over the last 7 years to treat clients suffering from chronic back pain and assist them to understand how to self manage their back pain and continue leading a full, active life.

    For more information or to order one of Sarah Key’s books please visit;

    or call us: (08) 6389 0990

    Musculoskeletal Assessments Posture Analysis/ Movement Instruction

    A significant part of physiotherapy is assisting patients to understand the importance of posture and movement patterns and become aware of how our bodies move and the role our brain plays in learning to move efficiently. Focusing on the quality of movement will reduce the irritation on injured tissues and improve recovery. Including some type of movement practice into your exercise routine, whether it is yoga, body balance, pilates or tai chi, encourages us to slow down and be more mindful in our movement which will help in other aspects of our lives such as sport and work.

    or call us: (08) 6389 0990

    Taping and Bracing

    Physiotherapists are experts in taping techniques. Rigid tape is commonly used to help reduce pain by immobilise an area to allow for optimal healing to occur while minimising further damage and allow as near normal movement, Both rigid sports tape or kinesiotape or rock tape.

    or call us: (08) 6389 0990

    Ergonomics / Workplace Assessments

    All ages- children from 5 years to older adults
    Chronic pain conditions
    Acute / traumatic musculoskeletal pain
    Sporting injuries
    Postural pain conditions
    Post surgery pain / rehabilitation
    Prenatal and Postnatal Musculoskeletal pain

    or call us: (08) 6389 0990